Welcome to my blog. I am going to use this forum to post information regarding my company, called the Eroe Podcast Network or EPNetwork for short. I am quite excited about this venture so please sign up to follow along with me through the journey.
I envisioned EPNetwork back in January 2009 after spending the holidays exploring both Facebook and Twitter and how they could be used for business purposes. I started a podcast called Birkie Web Today that provides news & information with interviews regarding the American Birkebeiner Nordic ski race in Northern Wisconsin. This was to add to a website that was started over 11 years ago called Birkie Web which details information about the race along with my Birkie Buddies, Tim Burke and Mike Tarnow. The podcast is published during the Nordic ski season beginning in December of each year.
In the spring of 2009 I also started a podcast with Randy Rasa, the webmaster of the Kansas Cyclist website called the Kansas Cyclist Podcast which covers bicycling in Kansas and surrounding states. The podcast is published bi-monthly during the bicycling season, April through September, then monthly during the off season.
On December 9th I developed the first podcast for Air Medical Today with an interview of Joe Tye, the CEO of Values Coach. Joe was also the first president of the Association of Air Medical Services which was then called the American Society of Hospital Based EMS Air Medical Services. On December 17th I produced the second podcast with an interview of Dr. Bill Gerard, and emergency physician from Columbia, South Carolina who has developed an innovative new product to monitor customer service called RSQ911 Solutions.
For both Air Medical Today and Birkie Web Today I also have Twitter and Facebook pages that you can follow. The BirkieWeb website also have a Twitter page and a Facebook Group page. The links are as follows:
Air Medical Today Twitter Page
Air Medical Today Facebook Page
Birkie Web Today Twitter Page
Birkie Web Today Facebook Page
Birkie Web Twitter Page
I post up news & information about each topical area with more comprehensive posts on Twitter. The Twitter posts are available on both the Facebook Pages under the RSS/Blog Tabs but they are usually delayed due to network problems with Facebook.
Until the next post have a very Happy Holiday Season!